Creating a Calm Evening Routine for Young Children

An evening routine that brings peace and calm to the household is a dream for us parents!

It’s understandable - with the bustle of everyday life, winding down can feel like an uphill battle, especially when the kids are little.

But I promise, creating a calm evening routine is achievable, and there are benefits for you as the parent too.

Here are my key factors to creating a calm and peaceful evening at home:

Understanding Your Kids’ Needs: Each child is unique, and understanding their specific needs and preferences is the first step towards a calming routine. You know your kids better than anyone else, including their signs of being hungry and tired, and you know your typical day to day schedule around work, school and social activities, so you’ll know the best time of day to start your evening wind down.

Gentle Transition from Day to Evening: Instead of a sudden shift from playtime to bedtime, consider creating a gradual transition. Soft music, dimmed lights, or a calming activity like reading or drawing can signal to your child that it's time to wind down.

Incorporating Baths or Showers: A warm bath or shower can be soothing, and prepare the kids for sleep. adding bubbles, calming scents and softer lighting like lamps instead of bright overhead lights can enhance relaxation, turning this daily task into a nurturing ritual you do together.

Developing a Consistent Bedtime Ritual: A predictable series of events leading to bedtime helps kids mentally prepare for sleep. This can include activities such as bath time, brushing teeth, putting on pyjamas, and cuddling with a favourite stuffed toy while reading a bedtime story.

Creating a Comfortable Sleep Environment: The bedroom can be a haven of peace with soft bedding, pleasant colours, lamp lighting and minimal clutter. You can also add blackout curtains to discourage super early wake-ups or a white noise machine for less sleep interruption.

Turn off the tv before starting the bedtime routine: Encourage quiet time after dinner so the household becomes calm. If you have teens or young adults who want to watch tv, ask them to use headphones, turn the volume down low or shut their door so you can still have a calm environment for younger ones.

Providing Positive Reinforcement: Acknowledging and celebrating progress can make a world of difference. Words of encouragement, lots of praise, special cosy time together and even small markers like giving a special sticker for a job well done can help create a positive attitude towards bedtime.

I hope you found these ideas helpful! If you’re ready for next steps in organising your home and life, you might want to check out my popular House & Family Binder. It’s a simple set of prints to help you get organised and run your household without stress and overwhelm.

x Marissa