One simple activity to make your holiday season easier

Are you feeling a little overwhelmed at the idea that December is just around the corner?

The Holiday season is meant to be about fun times with loved ones, but we tend to get caught up with a long list of To Do’s that feel necessary in order for Christmas to go well.

That long list, coupled with more social events than usual, can make December feel rushed and chaotic rather than relaxing and enjoyable.

The last thing we need is to feel stressed this Christmas, so today I’m sharing a little activity that works really well for me and my clients every time we do it.

It’s perfect for Christmas time but will work for any occasion!

Grab a piece of paper and fold it in half.

On the left side, write the title “Perfect Christmas”.

On the right side, write the title “Easy Christmas”.

Now, it’s time to brain dump.

Fill in the left side with everything you feel like you need to get done in December in order to have a great Christmas this year.

Next, we make it EASY.

For each point on the left, think to yourself “How can I make this as easy and enjoyable as possible?”

Then jot down your ideas on the right.

  • Maybe you have “Bake Christmas cookies” on the left but it feels overwhelming. You can jot down “decorate Christmas cookies” on the right and still have a fun Christmas cookie experience without having to bake them from scratch.
  • Maybe you have 10 people to buy for on the left and you have no idea what to get each person. You can jot down “signature gift” on the right and get everyone the same gift (a favourite book, a bottle of wine, or some movie tickets).
  • Maybe you have “Santa photo” on the left but don’t want to wait in long lines for a Christmas photo of the kids. You can write “Take a photo of the kids in front of the Christmas tree” on the right and still get a great photo without the queue.
  • Maybe you have “write and send Christmas cards" on the left and can write “use Paperless Post” on the right.
  • Maybe you have “Buy groceries for Christmas day” on the left and can write “order online” on the right.
  • Maybe you have “Plan Christmas dinner” on the left and can write “Ask people to bring a plate” on the right.

There’s no right or wrong with your EASY ideas.

This activity is designed to get you out of overwhelm and into “this is doable and I can still have time and energy for the things I enjoy” mode.

Give it a go and let me know what you’ll be making easier this Christmas!

I hope you found these tips helpful! If you’re ready for next steps on simplifying Christmas, you might like to check out my Make Christmas Easy planner. It’s a set of simple prints that help you get organised for Christmas without stress or overwhelm, so you can relax and enjoy the holiday season too!

Check out the Make Christmas Easy planner here >>

x Marissa